DEVENEY Partners With IABC To Offer Crisis Communication Webinars

NEW ORLEANS – Communication professionals across the globe will have the opportunity to gain an inside look at the Golden Rules of managing crisis communication during a seven-week webinar series hosted by DEVENEY, an award-winning marketing firm headquartered in New Orleans specializing in crisis communication.

         In partnership with the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), “How to Manage Crises” will cover learnings and best practices using real-life examples across a variety of industries, audiences and communication channels.

         “This seven-part program dissects crises and prepares professionals to manage and neutralize them—even how to make long-term advances when their organization is struck with catastrophe,” said DEVENEY President John Deveney. “We’ve developed a program that delivers real-world lessons, top insights on the digital and social elements of crisis management, and a strategic approach to guarding the brand and bottom line.”

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         These weekly one-hour sessions will begin at 11:00 a.m. CT and occur every Wednesday from October 7, 2015 – November, 18, 2015.

         The following topics will be covered:


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• Oct. 7 – Session 1: The Role of the Communicator in Crises: Crisis Management 101

• Oct. 14 – Session 2: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina

• Oct. 21 – Session 3: Crisis Management on Digital Platforms

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• Oct. 28 – Session 4: Crisis Management in Health Care Marketing

• Nov. 4 – Session 5: Litigation Crisis Management Involving Executive/Board Leadership and Regulatory Agencies

• Nov. 11 – Session 6: Lessons Learned from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

• Nov. 18 – Session 7: Working with Municipal Authorities During a Crisis


         Registration for the full webinar series must be completed online by Oct. 14.

         Led by DEVENEY President John Deveney, “How to Manage Crises” will teach participants how to build a crisis plan and effective crisis media relations tactics, including establishing strong media relationships, gaining valuable third-party endorsements, and incorporating the best mix of traditional and social media outreach. Different examples of crises will be covered, including: recalls, executive misbehavior, regulatory conflict, public health issues, litigation and more.

         John Deveney is recognized internationally for crisis management and is a top-rated presenter at conferences worldwide. His firm’s meteoric start was chronicled through significant national campaigns with particular strength in crisis, health care, tourism and hospitality, including some of the most successful national efforts for crises scenarios surrounding Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf South Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

         Deveney is also the only professional to ever merit the lifetime achievement recognition of PRNews’ Hall of Fame, PRSA College of Fellows and IABC Fellows.

         For more information



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