Delgado Adult Education Awarded Grant to Support New Adult Learners

DccNEW ORLEANS – Delgado Community College’s Adult Education Program has received a one-year, $10,000 grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. The funding will be used to support students enrolling in adult education classes for the first time. 

Student Services Coordinator Nia Davis says the goal is to adapt program resources to meet the needs of each adult learner.

“Our program serves a diverse group of students who are returning to school with different goals and unique needs,” she said. “Through our new intake coaching strategy, our goal is to pair each student with a success coach who can really get to know each student and help them navigate the process of returning to school.”

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The proposal was developed in response to a trend the team identified during its quarterly data review process.

“We found students are often successful in making academic progress once they began classes,” said program effectiveness coordinator Joey Lehrman. “But we saw that some students register online and then are unfortunately not able to fully finish all intake requirements to get started with their first class.”

In addition to the dedicated intake support, the program recently launched a full online orientation that enables students to get started with the program anytime and anywhere. This allows students to complete some of the intake requirements without needing to visit a campus, which can be a barrier for adult learners with busy family schedules.

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Adult students in the Greater New Orleans area can register for the free programming any time by visiting After completing the online intake form, students will be contacted with more information, including how to connect with a coach and how to start the online orientation modules.


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