NEW ORLEANS – Stefanie Allweiss and Patricia Pannell’s Gotcha Covered HR, LLC is sponsoring “Crossing the Threshold Together: New ways to build successful working relationships with emerging adults” – a workshop with Arlene Hirsh, a graduate of Northwestern University and a recognized expert in the field of career psychology.
The workshop will take place on Wednesday, June 21, at Propeller Incubator’s large conference room, 4035 Washington Ave., from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Tickets will cost $15.
“Emerging adults” are identified as young men and women who are entering the work force while simultaneously crossing the threshold into adulthood, organizers Allweiss and Pannell said. The owners of Gotcha Covered HR, a local Human Resources consulting firm that specializes in providing low cost HR services to small and medium businesses, said engaged employers can build successful working relationships with them by looking for points of convergence and connection — where their development needs sync up with your business goals and priorities, they said.
This workshop will provide business owners and managers with the tools for how to engage creatively with emerging adults so that they will grow professionally and beneficially to your company, the organizers said. Rotational assignments, stretching goals and training opportunities will be explored as some of the ways to assist them in learning how to take on leadership roles and become committed to the longevity of the organizations.
Hirsh has found that emerging adults want meaningful work and crave feedback, the organizers said. They want to believe in a company that values their role and lets them know how they are doing. This makes for a mutually valuable relationship.
While employers may be reluctant to invest so much time and effort in developing a population that has been perceived to have a high turnover rate, by learning how to invest the time up front to show their work is valued and meaningful, you will have a greater chance of them staying the long term, the organizers said.