COVINGTON – From St. Tammany Health System:
Please enjoy this video greeting from CEO Joan Coffman about steps St. Tammany Health System is taking to emotionally uphold our colleagues, as well as measures to keep everyone protected; and this message from one of our chaplains about self-care.
STHS census today is 116, with 15 COVID-positive and 21 COVID-tests pending, all in proper isolation. STHS teams continue to outfit intensive care, isolation and negative pressure spaces for care of our patients. Watch next week for a story about UV cleaning robots for Environmental Services, thanks to the generosity of STH Foundation donors.
Access for care
STPN video visits are available every day. If you or a loved one has an orthopedic issue that might otherwise lead you to the emergency room, our Bone & Joint team is accepting walk-in, same-day and call-in appointments during this time of modified operations. Where possible, our therapists at STHS Therapy & Wellness are conducting video visits as well.
Drive-through COVID-19 testing for patients with physician orders and symptoms is open weekdays 1-5 p.m. at STHS Mandeville Diagnostic Center, 201 St. Ann Drive. To enable drive-through testing, MDC is closed to regular business, but they do have lab and imaging capabilities for COVID line patients as needed.
While it does not provide COVID testing, the STHS Cordes Outpatient Pavilion, 16300 Hwy 1085, Covington, is open regular hours, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., with its regular menu of services and departments. MDC patients can go to Cordes for regular diagnostics.
Be part of the solution
Be aware of best practices for grocery shopping, and best estimates for the duration of the outbreak. Wash your hands, sneeze into your elbow and stay home. Social distancing is working, and if everyone commits to it long enough, we will flatten the curve! If you have flu symptoms, call 985-898-4001 to schedule a STHS Virtual Visit or call 866-230-1977 to talk to an Ochsner Nurse On Call.
Businesses and organizations with supplies to donate can contact Materials Management at 985-898-4184. While our health system cannot use homemade masks, we gratefully accept your thoughtful gifts that staff can elect to take home. Also, please remember wearing such masks can create a false sense of security, so think about what you touch, conduct proper handwashing, and don’t touch your mask or eyes. Thank you!
Thank you for your generosity
St. Tammany Hospital Foundation welcomes donations of food, gift cards to restaurants, coffee shops, gas stations and other small businesses to cheer on our healthcare workers. Drop by the foundation office (1127 South Tyler St., Covington), 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, give online to the Disaster Relief Fund or connect with Helen McNab in Food Services to donate food-safe meals for staff, following these guidelines:
- Food must be prepared in a licensed and LDH-inspected facility.
- Food must be individually wrapped or packaged, except pizza which can be parceled easily.
- Cold donations help us ensure time/temperature guidelines are met, but we can work with hot food as well.
- Where possible, please consider contributing healthy food choices.
- Please label your gift with instructions (if needed) and our name and contact info, so we know who to recognize.
- Make deliveries to the food service back entrance, so they can be properly handled by food service staff.