2017 Events
Small Business Exposition and Open-Air Marketplace
This Small Business Exposition is an open-air white tent market place offering community shopping, exhibits, arts, crafts, cuisine and live entertainment. To become a vendor, sponsor, volunteer or for additional information contact Cyndi Nguyen at enolabdd@gmail.com.
Quarterly Team Up To Clean
In collaboration with Keep New Orleans Beautiful and NOLA Trash Mob, EAST NOLA BDD will host a day of cleaning and refreshing the East New Orleans community and promoting the cleaning of litter, an initiative to harness needed resources to maintain the cleanliness and attractiveness of areas surrounding the I-10 corridors and major retail sites. The day of beautifying will include the removal of illegal bandit signs, picking up litter, weeding and grass cutting and landscaping. For more information, or to volunteer, contact Dawn Hebert at 504-875-0352 or enolabdd@gmail.com.
Community Crime Roundtable
The roundtable will be designed to bring the media, political leaders, law enforcement agencies, area business owners, representatives from Orleans Parish School Board, local clergy and residents together to identify and discuss the crime issues they believe to be the most crucial to the safety and security of East New Orleans and how crime is reported in the media.
Real Estate Summit
An East New Orleans trade show where businesses can display and market their services and products. Realtors can showcase available commercial and industrial properties
Business-to-Business Networking
Spend happy hour with fellow business professionals to share tips and tricks of the trade in doing commerce in the East. If you are interested in hosting a B2B event at your place of business, please contact Cyndi Nguyen at 504-415-4905 or enolabdd@gmail.com.
2017 Projects
Real-Estate Site Selection and Market Analysis Tool
Introducing an integrated tool with a combined strategy, design and technological purpose to create a digital analysis of the community impact on economic investment in the East. The solution stack for this tool includes a site selection and market analysis; property inventory and data collection; data integration and fusing; digital marketing and outreach tools and executive and operational dashboards.
East NOLA Business Billboard
The organization’s billboard will be used to rebrand and market East New Orleans as a powerful economic engine. East NOLA BDD members will have an opportunity to advertise on the billboard, at no cost or a low cost depending on the level of membership and investment. The billboard is a donation by Lamar Advertising Company and Premier Automotive Group to East NOLA BDD and Great New Orleans, Inc.
Beautification and Enhancement Projects
Lighting, irrigating and pruning landscaping around the street marker monument signs at Bullard and Read boulevards. For more information or to volunteer contact Sean Bruno enolabdd@gmail.com.
Adopt a Corridor Campaign
Our goal is to launch a campaign where businesses, homeowner associations, subdivision security and improvement taxing districts or civic organizations can adopt the corridor. For more information, or to adopt a corridor, email enolabdd@gmail.com.
Community Reports
The East NOLA BDD reports and monitors the process of adjudication, demolition or rehabilitation of large Intrusive Commercial Blight in our community that is impeding on our quality of life and positive economic growth in East New Orleans.