NEW ORLEANS – The New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (NOHSEP), the New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD), the New Orleans Emergency Medical Service (NOEMS) and Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWB) are continuing to support the flooding recovery efforts across Louisiana.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this devastating flood,” Mayor Landrieu said. “New Orleans first responders are continuing to provide resources and support in any way we can and we are standing shoulder to shoulder with our neighboring parishes and communities.”
NOHSEP reps said they remain in constant communication with emergency management officials from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, as well as with impacted parishes to respond quickly to requests for resources.
Sunday evening, NOHSEP delivered 125 cots to Ascension Parish so they could quickly ramp up the Lamar Dixon shelter.
Monday, NOFD, NOEMS and NOHSEP deployed additional Incident Management Team members to support search and rescue missions. Nine search and rescue teams of 18 firefighters and 9 boats from the New Orleans Fire Department returned home Monday night and have been relieved by the Jefferson Parish Fire Department. Additional command staff from NOEMS and NOFD were deployed Tuesday to support rescue and medical missions throughout the state. The Health Department’s Medical Reserve Corps and city employees with experience in response and recovery are on standby to meet the needs of parishes affected by this disaster. The Region 1 Urban Search and Rescue Team, which is comprised of almost 80 members from NOFD, NOEMS, and members from agencies in Plaquemines, St. Bernard and Jefferson Parishes, is currently being mobilized to support multiple assignments.
NOHSEP delivered water and hygiene kits to the Iglesia de Dios El Milagro church at 440 North Dorgenois St. in New Orleans, where approximately 100 individuals from the Baton Rouge area are staying.
NOHSEP will continue to monitor and respond to resource requests from the affected areas where the City can assist. A total of 29 personnel from the New Orleans area are participating in these recovery efforts with additional personnel deploying daily.
On Monday, August 15, Mayor Mitch Landrieu reactivated the NOLA Pay It Forward Fund in partnership with the Greater New Orleans Foundation for New Orleanians to contribute to early recovery efforts following major flooding that started last week in most of northern Louisiana and parts of southern Louisiana. Those interested in donating to the fund can go online here.
Donors can also contact Allie Betts, donor relations manager at the Greater New Orleans Foundation, at (504) 598-4663 or
Mayor Landrieu launched the NOLA Pay it Forward Fund in May 2011 to contribute to recovery efforts following the Mississippi River flooding disaster. It was also activated in 2012 in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy to support recovery efforts in the northeast and in May 2013 following catastrophic tornadoes in Oklahoma.