NEW ORLEANS – Today, the City of New Orleans Department of Sanitation announced that its glass processing contractor is expanding its facility and capacity to hold recycled glass for the city’s residents. Until the expanded space is finalized and is able to accept glass, the City will temporarily suspend glass recycling at the monthly drop-off events at the City’s Recycling Drop-Off Center (2829 Elysian Fields Ave.) until the glass processor resumes operation.
Beginning Saturday, April 14, glass will not be accepted at the Recycling Drop-Off Center as the glass recycling facility utilized by the City is currently unable to accept glass. The City’s contractor utilized to transport the glass, Metro Services, has agreed to store the glass collected in prior events, until the end of April.
Persons may recycle glass at Target stores in the area at no cost. Target has recycling stations located in front of their store locations. For more information, visit
In September 2015, the City began curbside glass recycling each week in the French Quarter and the Downtown Development District (DDD). Due to low participation, the City replaced the curbside glass recycling program in the French Quarter and the DDD by the addition of glass to the City’s monthly Recycling Drop-Off Center’s list of accepted items in January 2017, so that all Orleans Parish residents could recycle glass.
City Begins to Offer Composting Service
On Saturday, April 14, the City of New Orleans Department of Sanitation will kick off its partnership with The Composting Network. The City will accept composting materials this Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the City’s Recycling Drop-Off Center (2829 Elysian Fields Avenue) during its monthly drop-off event.
Beginning this Saturday, individual residents will be able to bring frozen food scraps to be composted by the Composting Network. The Composting Network will accept fruit and vegetable scraps (peels, skins, pits, or seeds), tea bags, coffee grounds including paper filters, eggshells, nutshells, seed shells, plain bread, grains, and plain pasta. The Network will not accept meat, dairy, bones, or foods with oil.
Free Paper Shredding Day on Saturday, April 14
On Saturday, April 14, the City of New Orleans Department of Sanitation will also host another free paper shredding event from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the City’s Recycling Drop-Off Center (2829 Elysian Fields Ave.)
During Shred Days, which are held four times a year, Orleans Parish residents can bring up to 50 lbs. of personal or sensitive documents to be shredded safely and securely by Iron Mountain in its on-site mobile unit. Iron Mountain will shred mixed office paper, light cardboard and similar materials. They will not shred plastic, compact discs, DVDs or other metal (other than paper clips or staples).
These companies offer their services at no cost to the public as a community service in conjunction with the City’s Recycling Drop Off events, held on the second Saturday of each month.
On the second Saturday of each month, Orleans Parish residents can drop off paper products (newspapers, junk mail, phone books, catalogs, office paper, color inserts); plastics #1 through #7 (water, soda, juice, detergent, plastic pots from nurseries, plastic bags, etc.); metals (aluminum, tin and steel cans); cardboard; boxboard (cereal boxes); Mardi Gras beads; batteries (AA, AAA, AAAA, C, D, 6 & 9 volt, Lithium); light bulbs (incandescent and fluorescent); and electronics such as computers, laptops, phones, televisions (limit 4), microwave ovens (limit 4), tires (limit 4) and designated organics for composting.
Since the City initiated a Recycling Drop Off Center in August 2010, a total of 929 tons have been recycled. Since the current curbside recycling program began in May 2011, a total of 46,500 tons have been recycled. Properties which are eligible to receive solid waste collection by the City, are also eligible to register to receive free recycling services.
For more information, or to order a curbside recycling cart, please call 311 or visit