NEW ORLEANS — The City of New Orleans released the French Quarter Safety and Security Traffic Study, which includes proposed recommendations to help reduce public safety risks in the French Quarter.
The recommendations are linked to and support the comprehensive strategy of public safety and infrastructure investments outlined in the New Orleans Citywide Public Safety Improvements Plan, which is designed to ensure that the city is better prepared to prevent and react to public safety threats, city reps said.
The city and its contractor spent considerable time in the field collecting data on traffic volume, turning movements, parking utilization data and measurements, they said. Additionally, a range of stakeholder involvement strategies were implemented including one-on-one interviews, small group discussions and public meetings to understand and consider the needs of local businesses, property owners and residents.
Elements of the proposed recommendations include the following:
• Controlling vehicular access to Bourbon Street by using a movable bollard system at intersections on Bourbon Street between Iberville and St. Ann streets during times of peak pedestrian usage and based on public safety considerations (from 5:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m.); and
• Consideration of parking space re-allocation and design treatments at intersections within the French Quarter to reduce public safety risks by:
Decreasing vehicle speeds;
Making pedestrian crossings more visible;
Improving parking;
Reducing traffic congestion; and
Improving accessibility for emergency responders to access locations within the French Quarter
Read the French Quarter Safety and Security Traffic Study full report and executive summary here
Comments can be submitted via e-mail to until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 7.
On Wednesday, June 28, at 6:00 p.m., the City of New Orleans Department of Public Works will host a French Quarter Safety and Security Traffic Study public meeting to provide an overview of the proposed recommendations at the Old U.S. Mint, 400 Esplanade Ave, on the third floor.