Greater New Orleans, Inc. (GNO, Inc.) is the economic development nonprofit for the 10-parish region of southeast Louisiana.
GNO, Inc. is built on a simple...
Economic and business development leaders in Greater New Orleans have long understood that bridging the gap between education and industry is one of the...
Louisiana’s existing infrastructures in the offshore energy and advanced manufacturing sectors have positioned the region to become a prime asset in another rapidly growing...
A New Orleans-based company’s revolutionary technology stands to make lasting impacts not only on renewable energy, but also in the ways consumers travel and engage...
Creatives in New Orleans were issued a unique challenge this year, presenting them an opportunity to maximize their skills, to realize their potential and...
We talk a lot about tech—the expanding presence of tech businesses in Greater New Orleans, the industry’s growing impact on both the regional and...
The ability of an individual, family or group to improve their wealth and social status, either within an individual lifetime or between generations.
By now,...