HCCL has served 1,560+ persons so far.
To date, HCCL has hosted 484 events.
Latino businesses represent 86% of the total new businesses in America.
HCCL assisted more...
The Hispanic Chamber of Louisiana Young Professionals (HCCLYP) fosters growth, development, and resources for the up-and-coming Hispanic business leaders. HCCLYP achieves this endeavor by...
The services and impact of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana don’t just extend to the established business community. To ensure equity and...
For decades, Hispanic-owned businesses in South Louisiana – as well as businesses owned by other people of color – have operated and survived despite...
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana (HCCL) has long-standing relationships with corporate partners. Two major partners—JPMorgan Chase and Entergy Corporation—recently doubled down on...