CAC Announces Limited Reopening June 1-14

Alex Marks Cac Cecilia Senga 61 0NEW ORLEANS – From the Contemporary Arts Center:

The Contemporary Arts Center announced today the limited re-opening of its galleries, beginning June 1 through 14.  In adherence to the state of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans’ safety guidelines, the CAC will operate at 25% capacity and implement proactive health and safety measures including online-only timed-ticketed admissions, enhanced sanitization, and proper social distancing measures in the CAC’s expansive galleries.  The limited re-opening provides an opportunity for locals to enjoy the final two weeks of the CAC’s exhibitions currently on-view: critically-acclaimed Mickalene Thomas: Femmes Noires and Meg Turner: Here and Now — both of which were originally scheduled to close on June 14, 2020.

The CAC’s revised hours of operation are Sunday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., June 1 through June 14, 2020. Gallery tickets are available by day and timeslot, and must be purchased in advance online at Tickets for Sunday, June 7 and Sunday, June 14 are complimentary for Louisiana residents, courtesy of The Helis Foundation’s Art for All program, but online registration is still required at

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The CAC’s galleries will temporarily close once again on June 15th for the installation of its 2020 Open Call Exhibition, Make America What America Must Become, which will debut at the CAC on September 18, 2020 and remain on view through January 24, 2021. More information about this exhibition, including featured artists and gallery hours, will be posted on the CAC website in late June.

“Our staff has been working diligently to open safely based on public health guidelines and to advance our belief that Art is Essential and Art Makes Us Resilient,” states George Scheer, Executive Director of the CAC. “These exhibitions are not to be missed. We invite our community to come together at a social distance and join the CAC in leading the cultural recovery of New Orleans.”

As part of its commitment to creating a healthy and safe environment for visitors and staff, the CAC will implement enhanced Health and Safety measures in accordance with the City of New Orleans, State of Louisiana, and CDC guidelines. 

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CAC Health and Safety Measures 

Limited Re-Opening: June 1 – 14, 2020

Contactless Ticketing

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Tickets to the CAC galleries are available online and in advance only at They will be available on a timed-ticketed basis, 10 guests per hour. This will minimize person-to-person contact and allow us to adhere to the mandated 25% capacity. CAC Members receive complimentary admission but must login and register on-line to reserve their complimentary tickets.

Mandatory Mask Wearing

CAC visitors are required to wear a mask in the interest of everyone’s safety and in accordance with a mandate by the City of New Orleans and State of Louisiana. CAC staff and volunteers will also be required to wear masks at all times.  

Dedicated Entrance 

Please enter through the Camp Street doors closest to the corner of Camp and St. Joseph Streets.

Social Distancing

Please maintain proper social distancing  and keep at least 6 feet away from others while enjoying the exhibitions. 

Adhere to Guided Paths

Kindly remain on the front side of the plexiglass shield and adhere to designated walking paths. Markers will be displayed. This will ensure 6 feet social distancing. 

Practice Hand Cleanliness

Hand sanitizers will be provided throughout the CAC to encourage positive public hygiene. High-traffic areas will undergo regular sanitizing throughout open hours.

Practice Public Health Etiquette

In an effort to maintain a healthy environment, the CAC also asks patrons to exercise good judgement by not visiting its galleries if they are sick or are concerned that they may be becoming sick. Also, please practice public health etiquette by coughing or sneezing into your elbow rather than your hands. 

We kindly ask that all visitors observe the above measures and precautions during their visit to the CAC.

The CAC’s expansive first floor gallery features the exhibition Mickalene Thomas: Femmes Noires, which focuses on Black female identity and representation. Black women are at the center of Thomas’ practice with vivid collages, drawing on painting, photography, time-based media, living-room tableaux and other forms that create dynamic compositions that celebrate the complexity and diversity of Black female agency while also tackling issues of inequality and representation. Mickalene Thomas: Femmes Noires Press Kit Images.

The CAC’s second floor gallery features Meg Turner: Here and Now the first solo museum exhibition by New Orleans-based artist Meg Turner. The exhibition consists of an impressive installation of more than 100 portrait tintypes of activists, teachers, school mates, friends, lovers, and near-strangers who Turner documented in an effort to advance and approach the concept of a gay utopia. Photographed with backdrops of fantastic(al) landscapes and fabricated sets, participants and collaborators are invited to embody the politics of gender, sexuality and economic autonomy they desire. Meg Turner: Here and Now Press Kit Images.

To express our appreciation for medical professionals, the CAC is offering free membership to medical professionals and first responders. This offer is valid through the end of the year and can be redeemed by contacting the CAC Membership team at

As a community art institution, the CAC is committed to supporting artists, our staff and the art organizations that make up the cultural economy of New Orleans and the world. We invite you to visit our website and explore ArtOrbit, the CAC’s digital content online at


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