The Lower Mississippi River (LMR) Dredging Update 22616 is attached for your reference.
CONTINUING Navigation Restrictions in the Area of Southwest Pass (SWP):
The Associated Branch Pilots of the Port of New Orleans (Bar Pilots) continue to recommend a maximum draft of 41 feet for all vessels transiting SWP as first implemented at 1030 hours on Saturday, January 30, 2016. Their previous draft reduction was to 43 feet from 47 feet and went into effect at 1030 hours on January 14, 2016.
The Associated Federal Pilots and Docking Masters of Louisiana, LCC maximum draft recommendation for SWP also remains 41 feet for all vessels (specifically from the Southwest Pass Sea Buoy to the Old Quarantine Anchorage at Mile 3.5 Above Head of Passes [AHP]). This reduced draft recommendation became effective on February 4, 2016. The Federal Pilots often pilot domestic tankers that require significant under-keel-clearances (UKC) in the range of 3 feet (or more) thus in those cases the reduction is effectively down to 38 feet.
The Corps Mississippi Valley New Orleans (MVN) is working to finalize the award of a new hopper dredge contract that was solicited earlier today. The new contract would keep the NEWPORT working in SWP until approximately the end of April.
The dustpan dredge JADWIN began dredging operations at Alhambra Crossing (Mile 190.5 AHP) on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. The White Castle Anchorage (Mile 191.1 to Mile 190.4 AHP) will be off limits for vessel usage while the JADWIN is working at Alhambra Crossing.
There are now 5 hopper dredges working in Southwest Pass and by this evening there will also be two cutterhead dredges beneficially utilizing the material removed from the channel in SWP. The efforts to recover the channel are ongoing, the Bar and Federal Pilots will continue to monitor the latest channel conditions as related to their maximum draft recommendations. There are also two dustpan dredges working to address significant shoaling on the Crossings Above New Orleans.
The following was recently distributed by Captain Ron Branch of the Louisiana Maritime Association as received from Mark Nelson, Chief Operating Officer, CRPPA:
"The River Port Pilots of the Crescent River Port Pilots’ Association are experiencing shoaling in the Cubit's Gap area, and in the near future may recommend a reduction in draft for vessels transiting the Crescent Pilots' operating territory in that area.
The recommended reduction may parallel the recommendation of the Bar Pilots of 41’.
However, that is still to be determined based on current surveys and pilot experience in the area.
More details will follow as information if gathered.”
Please see the attachments for complete details.