NEW ORLEANS – Arts District New Orleans announced it will be hosting its annual White Linen Light event throughout the month of August in 14 downtown galleries. There will also be an online component. Guests are encouraged to don their white linen while strolling down Julia Street to keep the spirit of White Linen Night alive.
Each gallery will also participate in two digital auctions. The first will take place from Aug. 1-15 and the second will be from Aug. 15-30.
Art collectors and enthusiasts can view the auction items in person at each participating gallery or online.
“White Linen Night has been part of the Arts District calendar for 26 years,” says Leslie Claire Spillman, ADNO President. “While we cannot welcome thousands of people to Julia Street to enjoy the art in our galleries this year, ADNO is excited to safely welcome guests back to the galleries for our month-long White Linen Light.”
ADNO said galleries are taking the precautions outlined by local and state officials. Guests will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing while visiting.
Participating galleries include:
Ariodante Gallery, 535 Julia St.
Sergio Alvarez + Lisa Normand
Arthur Roger Gallery, 432 Julia St. Troy Dugas
Beata Sasik Gallery, 541 Julia St. New Works by Beata Sasik
Callan Contemporary, 518 Julia St. Bradley Sabin
ESTELLA, 440 Julia St.
Giorgio Tentolini + Morii Kaplan
Gallery 600 Julia, 600 Julia St. Carol Hallock
LeMieux Galleries, 332 Julia St. Family – A Group Exhibition
M Contemporary, 614 Julia St. New Location Inauguration
Martine Chaisson Gallery, 727 Camp St. Hunt Slonem
Octavia Art Gallery, 700 Magazine St. Jerry Cabrera + John Poché
Soren Christensen Gallery, 400 Julia St. New Additions
Spillman | Blackwell, online only Gallery Premiere
Stella Jones Gallery, 201 St. Charles Ave. Patrick Waldemar