ACG Louisiana's ‘A Taste Of New Orleans’ A Conference Featuring Capital Sourcing, Deal Making, Networking

NEW ORLEANS – ACG Louisiana's “A Taste of New Orleans,” a conference featuring networking, education events, deal making, corporate growth and access to capital, takes place Thursday, Oct. 12, at The Roosevelt Hotel, 130 Roosevelt Way.

         The schedule of events includes:


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Wednesday, Oct. 11

5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.       Opening Reception at the Southern Yacht Club, 105 N. Roadway St.


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Entergy’s Energy Smart Program Brings Cost Conscious Innovation to New Orleans

Offering comprehensive energy efficiency at no cost to the consumer, Entergy’s Energy Smart program incentivizes Entergy New Orleans customers to perform energy-saving upgrades in...

Thursday, Oct. 12

8:30 a.m.     Registration and Networking, Roosevelt Hotel New Orleans


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9:00 a.m.     Welcoming Remarks – ACG Louisiana President Eli Feinstein


9:05 a.m.     Panel I: Early Investment Outlook

Joseph Lovett, general partner, Louisiana Funds

Elia Brodsky, co-founder and CEO, Pine Biotech

Asher Friend, partner, Jones Walker

David Rieveschl, partner, Stone Pigman Law Firm

Moderator: Gerard Ramos, founder/ CEO Revelry Labs


10:00 a.m.    Panel II: Regional Banking Outlook

John Kallenborn, president, JP Morgan Chase, Louisiana Market

Guy Williams, CEO Gulf Coast Bank

Karl Hoeffer, Louisiana market president, Iberia Bank

Moderator: Dorothy Clyne, director, JP Morgan Chase


11:00 a.m.    Panel III: Energy Investment Outlook

Miro Lazarov, managing director, Energy Investment Banking at KPMG Corporate Finance

Gary Sernovitz, managing director, Limerock Partners

Frank deVay, SVP, Chaffe & Associates

Moderator: Britton Seal, partner, Corporate & Securities, Jones Walker Law Firm


12:00 p.m. – 1:20 p.m.     Keynote Luncheon and Networking

Adair Newhall, principal, Greenspring Associates


1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.       Networking Break, desserts in the Stone Pigman Voodoo Lounge


3:00 p.m.     Panel IV: Regional Government Outlook

Richard Cortizas, partner, Jones Walker Law Firm, former attorney for the City of New Orleans

Mario Zervigon, Louisiana political strategist and lobbyist

JP Morrell,  Louisiana State Senator, Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Commission (Chairman) 

Walt Leger, Louisiana State Representative, Speaker Pro Tempore

Moderator: Eli Feinstein, managing director, Fox Henning


4:00 p.m.     Panel V: Regional Fund Formation and Management Outlook

Les Alexander, partner, Jefferson Capital Partners

Trevor Colhoun, CEO, Spearpoint LLC

Eli Feinstein, managing director, Fox Henning

Charles Cox, vice president, Longuevue Capital

Moderator: Vanessa Claiborne, president, Chaffe & Associates


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