NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The Delta Blues Museum in Mississippi is getting $460,000 to create an exhibit about the history and influence of American blues and the music's connection to the Mississippi Delta.
It's among 199 grants totaling $18.6 million nationwide announced Monday by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Thirteen, totaling $825,000, are in four Deep South states.
Eight in Georgia include $185,000 for the University of Georgia Research Foundation to complete a database and online maps showing settlement and movement of Native, European and African populations in North America from 1500 to 1790.
Two Louisiana grants include $50,000 for Amistad Research Center to organize records of African-American land ownership in the rural South.
Two in Alabama include $6,000 for University of Alabama assistant professor Claire Cage to research a book about the relationship between forensic science and law in 19th-century France.